🍄 800g različnih vrst gob (setas so dobra izbira)
🥑 Zmečkan avokado
🌽 Koruzne tortilje
🍋 Limona in sol
Za omako:
🍋 Sok 1 do 2 limon
3 žlice sojine omake
🥑 2 žlici avokadovega olja
🌶 1 čajna žlička Tajin praška
🍊 3 žlice pomarančnega soka
🧄1 nariban strok česna
🧅 1 žlica sesekljane čebule
1. Omako pripravi tako, da zmešaš vse sestavine. Poskusi in prilagodi sestavine svojemu okusu.
2. Sesekljaj ali natrgajte gobe. Mariniraj jih v omaki 10 min.
3. Postavi jih na pladenj za pečico ali v Airfryer in peci: (v Airfryerju 15min pri 250C, ko so na pol pečene jih premešaj), če jih postaviš v pečico, pa jo prej segrej na 220C in peci 20 min, gobe premešaj vsakih 5min, da se spečejo z vseh strani.
4. Postrezi vsak taco z avokadovim pirejem na tortilji, na vrhu dodaj nekaj koriandra, limone in soli!
5. Uživaj 😋
🍄 800 g. of different type of mushrooms (setas are a good fit)
🥑 Mashed avocado
🌽 Corn tortillas
🍋 Lemon and salt
For the sauce:
🍋 Juice of 1 to two lemons
- 3 tbsp. of soy
🥑 2 tbsp. of avocado oil
🌶 1 tsp. of Tajin powder
🍊 3 tbsp. of orange juice
🧄 1 grated garlic clove
🧅 1 tbsp. of chopped onion
Steps to prepare it:
1. Prepare the sauce mixing all the ingredients. Try and adjust the flavor.
2. Chop or pull the mushrooms. Marinate them in the sauce for 10 min.
3. Put them over a tray for the oven or Air-fryer and bake: (Airfryer 15 min at 250 C mixing them when they are half cooked), if you put them in the oven at 220C for 20 min moving every 5 minutes to get them cooked by every side.
4. Serve each taco with some mashed avocado over the tortilla, put some fresh pineapple, coriander, lemon and salt on the top!
5. Enjoy 😋