Envío gratis en pedidos mayores a 60 € a toda Eslovenia

Žal je 🥺 poletje minilo in zdaj počasi prihaja hladno ❄ vreme. Imamo pa najboljšo pijačo za preživljanje popoldneva ali jutra s pristnim okusom kakava iz Kolumbije 🇨🇴. Ker je napitek narejen iz 100% kakava, je poln antioksidantov 🤩.
Sestavine za dve porciji:
🍫 1 skodelica vode
🍫 1 skodelica mleka (kokosovo, mandljevo ali kravje)
🍫 2 žlički trsnega sladkorja ali panele
🍫 2 palčki cimeta
🍫 1 ali 2 klinčka (neobvezno)
🍫 2 kosa nesladkane temne čokolade LUKER
1. Pristavi vodo s sladkorjem in zavri.
2. Nato mešanici vode in sladkorja dodaj cimet in klinče ter pusti nekaj minut vreti.
3. Dodaj koščke čokolade in kuhaj, dokler se čokolada popolnoma ne stopi.
4. Med kuhanjem vzemi leseno žlico (molinillo) in jo vrti naprej in nazaj, da nastane penasta zmes.
5. Dodaj mleko in pusti, da nekaj minut vre.
6. Postrezi in uživaj v obdobju svojega 🏡!
*Nasvet: Po končanem kuhanju lahko celotno mešanico (brez cimeta in klinčkov) daš v mešalnik, da se dodatno speni!
Unfortunately, summer has gone 🥺 and now cold weather ❄ is slowly arriving. We we have the best drink to spend your afternoons or mornings with the authentic cacao flavor from Colombia 🇨🇴. As this drink is made with 100% cacao it is full of antioxidants 🤩.
Ingredients for two 👇🏼
🍫 1 cup of water
🍫 1 cup of milk (coconut, almond or 🐄 milk)
🍫 2 tsps. cane sugar or panela
🍫 2 cinnamon sticks
🍫 1 or 2 cloves (optional)
🍫 2 pieces of unsweetened dark chocolate LUKER
1. Place water with sugar and bring to a boil.
2. Then add the cinnamon and cloves to the water/sugar mixture and let it boil for a few minutes.
3. Add chocolate pieces and boil until chocolate has melted completely.
4. While this is cooking, take a wooden spoon (molinillo) and rotate it back and forth to make a frothy mixture.
5. Add milk and let it boil for some minutes.
6. Serve and enjoy at the comfort of your 🏡!
*Tip: You can put the whole mixture (without cinnamon and cloves) after it is finished cooking and place it in the blender to make it extra foamy!.
Sestavine za dve porciji:
🍫 1 skodelica vode
🍫 1 skodelica mleka (kokosovo, mandljevo ali kravje)
🍫 2 žlički trsnega sladkorja ali panele
🍫 2 palčki cimeta
🍫 1 ali 2 klinčka (neobvezno)
🍫 2 kosa nesladkane temne čokolade LUKER
1. Pristavi vodo s sladkorjem in zavri.
2. Nato mešanici vode in sladkorja dodaj cimet in klinče ter pusti nekaj minut vreti.
3. Dodaj koščke čokolade in kuhaj, dokler se čokolada popolnoma ne stopi.
4. Med kuhanjem vzemi leseno žlico (molinillo) in jo vrti naprej in nazaj, da nastane penasta zmes.
5. Dodaj mleko in pusti, da nekaj minut vre.
6. Postrezi in uživaj v obdobju svojega 🏡!
*Nasvet: Po končanem kuhanju lahko celotno mešanico (brez cimeta in klinčkov) daš v mešalnik, da se dodatno speni!
Unfortunately, summer has gone 🥺 and now cold weather ❄ is slowly arriving. We we have the best drink to spend your afternoons or mornings with the authentic cacao flavor from Colombia 🇨🇴. As this drink is made with 100% cacao it is full of antioxidants 🤩.
Ingredients for two 👇🏼
🍫 1 cup of water
🍫 1 cup of milk (coconut, almond or 🐄 milk)
🍫 2 tsps. cane sugar or panela
🍫 2 cinnamon sticks
🍫 1 or 2 cloves (optional)
🍫 2 pieces of unsweetened dark chocolate LUKER
1. Place water with sugar and bring to a boil.
2. Then add the cinnamon and cloves to the water/sugar mixture and let it boil for a few minutes.
3. Add chocolate pieces and boil until chocolate has melted completely.
4. While this is cooking, take a wooden spoon (molinillo) and rotate it back and forth to make a frothy mixture.
5. Add milk and let it boil for some minutes.
6. Serve and enjoy at the comfort of your 🏡!
*Tip: You can put the whole mixture (without cinnamon and cloves) after it is finished cooking and place it in the blender to make it extra foamy!.
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