Envío gratis en pedidos mayores a 60 € a toda Eslovenia

EN 🇺🇸⬇️
Pripravi okusne 🇲🇽 “sope” (debele tortilije) in jih nadevajte s pečenim fižolom, nastrganim piščancem, nasekljano ledenko in čebulo, sirom, kislo smetano in Casera 🍅🌶 omako znamke HERDEZ.
💙 4 skodelice moke iz modre koruze MASECA
💙 675 ml tople vode
Z rokami premešaj in gneti toliko časa, dokler ne dobiš testa, ki se ne lepi. Oblikuj kroglice, jih položi med 2 sloja plastične folije in s pomočjo preše za tortilje naredi tortilje (ne stisni preveč, saj morajo ostati debelejše). Peci jih na vroči ponvi. Obrni, ko postanejo zlato rumene iz spodnje strani. Nato prepogni stranice (glej video). V ponev dodaj malo olja in jih nadevaj s pečenim fižolom, piščancem, naribanim sirom in smetano. Pusti, da se pogreje. Prej ko postrežeš, posuj s čebulo, ledenko in Casera omako HERDEZ. Dober tek 😋.
EN 🇺🇸
Sopes with blue corn flour
Prepare delicious 🇲🇽 “sopes” (thick tortillas) filled with beans, shredded chicken, chopped lettuce and onion, cheese, sour cream and casera sauce HERDEZ.
You need:
💙 4 cups of blue corn flour MASECA
💙 675 ml. of warm water
Mix it well with clean hands until you form a non-sticky dough. Form a ball and put it between two plastic sheets inside a tortilla press and make a thick tortilla (don´t press it too much so it does not become very thin).
Put them over a hot pan and turn each of them when they get inflated, the second occurs when they begin to turn golden. Then with your fingers pinch the edges like showed in the video. Put some oil over the pan and fill them with refried beans, put some shredded chicken over, grounded cheese, cream and let the heat for some minutes.
When you serve, put some onion, lettuce and Casera 🌶 🍅 sauce HERDEZ. Enjoy 😋!
Pripravi okusne 🇲🇽 “sope” (debele tortilije) in jih nadevajte s pečenim fižolom, nastrganim piščancem, nasekljano ledenko in čebulo, sirom, kislo smetano in Casera 🍅🌶 omako znamke HERDEZ.
💙 4 skodelice moke iz modre koruze MASECA
💙 675 ml tople vode
Z rokami premešaj in gneti toliko časa, dokler ne dobiš testa, ki se ne lepi. Oblikuj kroglice, jih položi med 2 sloja plastične folije in s pomočjo preše za tortilje naredi tortilje (ne stisni preveč, saj morajo ostati debelejše). Peci jih na vroči ponvi. Obrni, ko postanejo zlato rumene iz spodnje strani. Nato prepogni stranice (glej video). V ponev dodaj malo olja in jih nadevaj s pečenim fižolom, piščancem, naribanim sirom in smetano. Pusti, da se pogreje. Prej ko postrežeš, posuj s čebulo, ledenko in Casera omako HERDEZ. Dober tek 😋.
EN 🇺🇸
Sopes with blue corn flour
Prepare delicious 🇲🇽 “sopes” (thick tortillas) filled with beans, shredded chicken, chopped lettuce and onion, cheese, sour cream and casera sauce HERDEZ.
You need:
💙 4 cups of blue corn flour MASECA
💙 675 ml. of warm water
Mix it well with clean hands until you form a non-sticky dough. Form a ball and put it between two plastic sheets inside a tortilla press and make a thick tortilla (don´t press it too much so it does not become very thin).
Put them over a hot pan and turn each of them when they get inflated, the second occurs when they begin to turn golden. Then with your fingers pinch the edges like showed in the video. Put some oil over the pan and fill them with refried beans, put some shredded chicken over, grounded cheese, cream and let the heat for some minutes.
When you serve, put some onion, lettuce and Casera 🌶 🍅 sauce HERDEZ. Enjoy 😋!
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