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EN 🇺🇸⬇️
Ne veste kaj bi pripravili za sobotno kosilo 🤔? Ne komplicirajte si življenja in pripravite te preproste testenine s kremno omako Chipotle 🌶.
🌶 testenine “penne”
🌶 Za omako: Chipotle kremno omako “HERDEZ” po okusu, 240 g grškega tipa jogurta, 60 g skute, sol in poper po okusu, malo mleka
🌶 Parmezan za po vrhu
🌶 Nasekljan peteršilj za dekoracijo
Postopek 👩🏻🍳: Testenine skuhajte po navodilih na embalaži. Za pripravo omake, zmešajte vse ostale sestavine in jih v mikserju zblendajte. Pogrejte na ponvi, dodajte testenine, pokuhajte, da se testenine napojijo omake in na koncu posujte s parmezanom ter svežim peteršiljem. Dober tek 😋!
EN 🇺🇸
Saturday 😎 and you don’t know what to prepare for lunch 🤔? Don´t complicate and try this super easy chipotle 🌶 creamy pasta!
You need:
🌶 Wheat Penne Pasta
🌶 For the sauce: Chipotle Creamy Sauce “HERDEZ” to taste, 1 cup of Greek yogurt, ¼ cup cottage cheese, salt and pepper to taste, a splash of milk.
🌶 Parmesan cheese to sprinkle over
🌶 Fresh chopped parsley on the top
How to 👩🏻🍳: Cook the pasta as the package indicates. For the sauce mix all the other ingredients with the mixer. Heat it in a pan for medium heat, mix and then add the pasta, cook for some minutes at low heat. Remove it from the heat, add some parmesan cheese and fresh parsley on the top. Enjoy 😋!
Ne veste kaj bi pripravili za sobotno kosilo 🤔? Ne komplicirajte si življenja in pripravite te preproste testenine s kremno omako Chipotle 🌶.
🌶 testenine “penne”
🌶 Za omako: Chipotle kremno omako “HERDEZ” po okusu, 240 g grškega tipa jogurta, 60 g skute, sol in poper po okusu, malo mleka
🌶 Parmezan za po vrhu
🌶 Nasekljan peteršilj za dekoracijo
Postopek 👩🏻🍳: Testenine skuhajte po navodilih na embalaži. Za pripravo omake, zmešajte vse ostale sestavine in jih v mikserju zblendajte. Pogrejte na ponvi, dodajte testenine, pokuhajte, da se testenine napojijo omake in na koncu posujte s parmezanom ter svežim peteršiljem. Dober tek 😋!
EN 🇺🇸
Saturday 😎 and you don’t know what to prepare for lunch 🤔? Don´t complicate and try this super easy chipotle 🌶 creamy pasta!
You need:
🌶 Wheat Penne Pasta
🌶 For the sauce: Chipotle Creamy Sauce “HERDEZ” to taste, 1 cup of Greek yogurt, ¼ cup cottage cheese, salt and pepper to taste, a splash of milk.
🌶 Parmesan cheese to sprinkle over
🌶 Fresh chopped parsley on the top
How to 👩🏻🍳: Cook the pasta as the package indicates. For the sauce mix all the other ingredients with the mixer. Heat it in a pan for medium heat, mix and then add the pasta, cook for some minutes at low heat. Remove it from the heat, add some parmesan cheese and fresh parsley on the top. Enjoy 😋!
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