Pripravite si okusno pekočo 🔥 omako s “chili 🌶 de árbol” kar doma. Gre za omako, ki se izvrstno poda vsem tacosem 🌮, burgerjem 🍔, quesedilam ali drugim jedem, ki želite nameniti nekoliko spicy mehiškega 🇲🇽 okusa.
- 3 nasekljane 🍅
- chili de árbol 🌶 po okusu
- ¼ čebule 🧅 in 2 stroka česna
- Rastlinsko olje
- Sol in poper po okusu
Priprava 👩🏻🍳: nasekljan paradižnik in razporedite po pekaču, katerega ste predhodno pokrili z alu-foljo in pecite 5 minut na visoki temperaturi. Medtem, v ponvi z malo olja pocvrite chili de árbol. Ko čili porjavi, ga odstranite iz ponve in v tej isti ponvi prepražite čebulo in česen. Nato vse skupaj (paradižnik, čili ter čebulo in česen) pretresite v mikser, dodajte sol in poper, ter zmiksajte, da dobite omako.
Zelo preprosto in izvrsten način, da svoje jedi popestrite z malo “spicy” pridihom 🌶👌.
Prepare a delicious home-made and fresh spicy 🔥 sauce with chili 🌶 de árbol. This sauce is the best pairing to any taco 🌮, burger 🍔, quesadilla or dish to which want to give a spicy 🇲🇽 touch.
You need:
- 3 chopped red 🍅
- Chili de árbol 🌶 to taste
- ¼ onion 🧅 and two garlic cloves
- Vegetable oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
Preparation 👩🏻🍳: Put the tomatoes over an aluminium foil with some oil and roast them for 5 min. at medium heat. Meanwhile, fry some chili de árbol in oil in a pan. When they get golden, remove them from the pan and put in the same pan the onion and the garlic cloves. When they are brownish, remove them from heat, and put them in the mixer with the roasted tomatoes and chilies, add a little bit of water and salt and pepper to taste. Ready 🔥! It is super easy and the best option to give some spicy to your dishes 🌶👌.