“Cochinita pibil” je tradicionalna jed iz Jukatana v 🇲🇽, ki se pripravlja predvsem iz svinjine, tokrat pa smo jo pripravili iz piščanca in je prav tako zelo okusna 👌!
Sestavine za 3 porcije:
🍊 ½ piščančji prsi
🍊1,5 skodelice pomarančnega soka
🍊 ½ skodelice belega kisa
🍊50 g paste iz ahiote
🍊1 strok česna
🍊3 čiliji guajillo
🍊1 žlica olja
🍊1 ščepec soli
🍊½ rdeče čebule
🍊 3 limone
🍊 2 papriki habanero (lahko sta posušeni)
1. Najprej ocvrite celotne piščančje prsi. Vsake toliko časa jih obrnite, da bodo čisto zaprta. To počnite 15 minut.
2. Medtem “očistite” čilije guajillo in jih za pet minut namočite v toplo vodo.
3. Nato rdečo čebulo in čili habaneto narežite na trakove, jih dajte v manjšo skledo in dodajte sok limon ter žličko soli. Tako se bodo sestavine popolnoma zmešale. Pustite jih marinirati eno uro.
4. Po 5 minutah namakanja čilija, ga dajte v mešalnik skupaj s pomarančnim sokom, pasto ahiote, belim kisom, česnom in ščepcem soli. Vse zmeljite in mešajte, dokler ne dobite enotne omake.
5. Ko je piščnec dobro zaprt in omaka prirpavljena, ga prelijte z omako in pustite, da se na nizki temeperaturi kuha približno 45 minut, dokler piščanec ni popolnoma kuhan.
6. Po preteklem času ponev odstavite z ognja, piščanca zdrobite in mu dodajte omako in mesni sok, ki sta ostala v ponvi.
7. Pripravljeno je! Postrezite ga v tacosu z nekaj koruznimi tortiljami in z mešanico čebule in čilija na vrhu. Dober tek 😋!
“Cochinita pibil” is a traditional dish from Yucatán, 🇲🇽 made mainly with pork, but this time we made it with chicken and it is also very delicious 👌!
Ingredients for 3 portions:
🍊 1/2 chicken breast
🍊 1.5 cups orange juice
🍊 1/2 cup white vinegar
🍊 50 g. achiote paste
🍊 1 garlic clove
🍊 3 guajillo chilies
🍊 1 tbsp. oil
🍊 1 pinch of salt
🍊 ½ red onion
🍊 3 lemons
🍊 2 habanero peppers (they can be dried)
How to:
1. First fry the whole chicken breast. Change its position every so often so that the meat is completely sealed. Do this for 15 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, “clean” the guajillo chilies and soak them in warm water for five minutes.
3. Then slice the red onion and the habanero chili in strips, place them in a small bowl and add the juice of the lemons together with a tsp. of salt. This will make these ingredients to perfectly blend together. Leave them marinating for one hour.
4. After soaking the chilies for 5 minutes, place them in the blender along with the orange juice, achiote paste, white vinegar, garlic and a pinch of salt. Grind everything, blending until we have a uniform sauce.
5. Once the chicken is well sealed and the sauce is ready, pour the sauce over the chicken and let it cook over low heat for approximately 45 minutes until the chicken is completely cooked.
6. Once this time has passed, remove the pan from the heat and shred the chicken, adding the sauce and meat juices left in the pan.
7. Its READY! Serve it in tacos with some corn tortillas and with the onion-chili mix on the top. ¡Buen Provecho😋!
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