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Crepes with cassava flour YOKI without gluten 💛 Palačinke iz kasavine moke YOKI brez glutena

Crepes with cassava flour YOKI without gluten 💛 Palačinke iz kasavine moke YOKI brez glutena
Crepes with cassava flour YOKI without gluten

Ingredients (for 10 pieces)

💛 350 g. raw cassava flour

💛 4 eggs

💛 2 tsp. of salt

Necessary amount of water (around 2 cups)

Preparation: In a blender place all the ingredients except water and add water as needed until a homogeneous dough is formed. Place the preparation in a bowl.

Put some oil over a frying pan and heat, then with a spoon place the preparation and spread to cover the entire surface of the pan, let it cook and turn it over with a spatula or with your hands and cook on both sides and so on until the dough is finished. You will have 10 flexible pancakes ready to be filled with something salty or sweet. You can stuff them like Thai style, with sautéed vegetables. You can fill them with whatever flavours you like such as cheese, ham, corn, even Nutella and banana.


Palačinke iz kasavine moke YOKI brez glutena

Sestavine (za 10 kosov)

💛 350 g surove kasavine moke

💛 4 jajca

💛 2 čajni žlički soli

💛 potrebna količina vode (približno dve skodelici)

Priprava: Vse sestavine razen vode (dodaj le po potrebi) daj v mešalnik in mesi dokler se ne oblikuje homogena masa. Daj jo v skledo.

V ponvi segrej nekaj olja, nato mešanico z žlico prestavi v ponev in jo razmaži, da pokrije celotno površino ponve. Pusti, da se speče, nato jo obrni s kuhalnico ali s prsti ter peci na obeh straneh. To delaj dokler ti ne zmanjka mase. Imel boš 10 prožnih palačink, pripravljenih, da jih napolniš s slanimi ali sladkimi nadevi.

Lahko jih napolniš na tajski način, s praženo zelenjavo, ali pa s poljubnimi okusi, kot so sir, šunka, koruza ali celo Nutella in banana.

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