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Quesadillas filled with fried mushrooms 🍄, onion 🧅 and melted cheese 🧀 / Quesadillas polnjene s praženimi gobami 🍄, čebulo 🧅 in stopljenim sirom 🧀

Quesadillas filled with fried mushrooms 🍄, onion 🧅 and melted cheese 🧀 / Quesadillas polnjene s praženimi gobami 🍄, čebulo 🧅 in stopljenim sirom 🧀

SLO ⬇️
Quesadillas filled with fried mushrooms 🍄, onion 🧅 and melted cheese 🧀

🌽 One package of nixtamalized corn tortillas “MASAMOR”  
🧈 Butter
🍄 300 g. of fresh chopped mushrooms  
🧅 One sliced onion  
🧀 Gouda or mozzarella cheese
🌱 Dried epazote
🌶 Sliced canned jalapeño chilis

How to:  

In a pan put some butter to melt and the sliced onion, then add the mushrooms until they are cooked and some dried epazote to give some flavor. Add the sliced jalapeño chilis (to taste). Mix well and wait until everything is cooked.  

In a pan heat the tortillas, add some of the mushrooms and the cheese slice. Wait until is melted and enjoy with some guacamole!

D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S 😋 👌


Quesadillas polnjene s praženimi gobami 🍄, čebulo 🧅 in stopljenim sirom 🧀

🌽 En paket nixtamiziranih koruznih tortilj “MASAMOR”
🧈 Maslo
🍄 300g sveže nasekljanih gob
🧅 Ena narezana čebula  
🧀 Gauda ali mozzarella sir
🌱 Posušen epazot
🌶 Narezani konzervirani jalapeño čiliji


V ponvi stopi nekaj masla in dodaj narezano čebulo, nato dodaj gobe, dokler niso kuhane, in nekaj posušenega epazota, da dobi okus. Dodaj narezane jalapeño čilije (po okusu). Dobro premešaj in počakaj, da se vse skupaj skuha.

Na ponvi segrej tortilje, dodaj nekaj gob in rezino sira. Počakaj, da se sir stopi, in uživaj z guacamolejem! O-K-U-S-N-O 😋 👌

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