Osvežilen in hranljiv napitek iz Peruja: Chicha Morada 💜 A refreshing and nutritious drink from Peru: Chicha Morada

Pripravite si ga lahko zelo hitro in preprosto. Glavna sestavina tega napitka je vijoličasta koruza 🌽, ki vsebuje visoke vrednosti antioksidantov in antocinaninov.
Za 2 litra napitka potrebujete:
-2 litra vode
-250 g posušene vijolične koruze
-½ zrelega ananasa 🍍
-2 limoni 🍋
-Sladkor po okusu
-2 klinčka
-½ cimetove palčke
-1,5 bio jabolka 🍎
Postopek: Odstranite zrna iz koruznega storža in jih sperite. V kozico dajte zrna, storž, klinčke in cimet. Jabolko narežite na 8 kosov in jih prav tako položite v kozico. Očistite ananas, naježite na koščke in ga skupaj z olesenelo sredico dajte v kozico. Kuhajte na močnem ognju, dokler zavre, potem pa zmanjšajte temperaturo in počasi kuhajte dokler voda nekoliko povre in se koruzna zrna odprejo, tako da opazite belo notranjost.
Ocedite tekočino v drugo posodo in počakajte da se ohladi. Potem dodajte limonin sok in sladkor. Dobro premešajte in postrezite hladno 🧊. Na zdravje 😎💜!
A traditional and refreshing drink from Peru 🇵🇪 that it is also very easy to make: Chicha Morada 💜. The main ingredient of this drink is the purple corn 🌽, that is an ingredient with a high antioxidant power due to its anthocyanins content.
Ingredients for 2 liters of drink:
- 2 liters of water approx.
- 250 g. dried purple corn "EL PLEBEYO"
- ½ ripe pineapple 🍍
- 2 lemons 🍋
- Sugar or sweteener to taste
- 2 cloves
- ½ cinnamon stick
- 1.5 bio red apples 🍎
Procedure: Remove the kernels from the corn cob and rinse them. In a pot put the kernels, cob, clove and cinnamon. Cut the apple into pieces and add them to the pot. Remove the skin of the pineapple, cut into pieces and add them with the center. Place the pot on high heat until it boils, then reduce it to medium heat and let it heat until the water is reduced and the kernels are open and you can see its white interior.
Strain it and place it on the fridge until it is cold 🧊. Then add the lemon juice and the sugar. Whisk everything and serve cold. Enjoy 😎💜!
tjkhedkrzb —
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
Patrickmug —
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