EN 🇺🇸⬇️
“Enfrijolades” je zelo popularna jed v Mehiki 🇲🇽. Največkrat jo jedo za zajtrk, včasih pa tudi kot glavno jed pri drugih obrokih. Je zelo hranilna, saj vsebuje beljakovine iz stročnic in ogljikove hidrate iz 🌽 tortilje.
Sestavine za 4 porcije:
- 1 pločevinka kondenziranega mleka CARNATION® CLAVEL®
- 1 ½ žlice soli
- Kos 🧅 in 2 stroka 🧄
- 1 chipotle 🌶
- 1 pakiranje ISADORA črnega ali rjavega fižola
- 1 ½ skodelice vode
- 12 KOMALI 🌽 tortilji ali XATZÉ (vijolična koruza s semeni chie)
- 3 žlice rastlinskega olja
- 1 kuhana in nastrgana piščančja prsa
- 200 gramov naribanega belega sira ali fete
- 200 gramov kisle smetana
Za pripravo omake, zmiksajte kondenzirano mleko, sol, čebulo, česen, chipotle, fižol in vodo. 5 minut kuhajte na zmernem ognju, da se nekoliko zgosti, mešajte da se ne prime.
Ocvrite tortilje v vročem olju, tako da se lahko prepognejo, nato jih napolnite z nastrganim piščancem, na vrh pa servirajte omako iz fižola, malo naribanega sira in kislo smetano.
EN 🇺🇸
This dish called as “Enfrijoladas” is very popular in 🇲🇽 and is commonly eaten as a breakfast but also as a main dish. It is really nutritious as it has proteins from the beans and carbohydrates from the 🌽 tortilla.
Ingredients for 4:
- 1/2 half can of evaporated milk CARNATION® CLAVEL®
- 1 1/2 tsp. salt
- A piece of 🧅 and two 🧄 cloves
- 1 chipotle 🌶
- 1 pouch of whole black or brown beans ISADORA
- 1 1/2 cup water
- 12 🌽 tortillas KOMALI or XATZÉ (purple corn with chia)
- 3 spoons vegetable oil
- 1 boiled and shredded chicken breast
- 200 grams shredded white or feta cheese
- 200 g. sour cream
For the sauce, blend the evaporated CARNATION® CLAVEL® with the salt, onion, garlic, chipotle, beans and water. Heat at medium heat for 5 minutes or until it thickens a bit, moving constantly to avoid sticking on the pan.
Fry each tortilla by both sides in some hot oil for some minutes (so they can fold) and filled them with the shredded chicken. Pour over the bean sauce and serve with some shredded cheese and cream on the top.