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Bicolor jellies with cherry 🍒 and blueberry flavor / Dvobarvni želeji z okusom češenj 🍒in borovnic

Bicolor jellies with cherry 🍒 and blueberry  flavor / Dvobarvni želeji z okusom češenj 🍒in borovnic


Summer 🌞 time is perfect for bicolor jellies made of cherry 🍒 and berry blue flavor. Preparation is very easy, you just need 1 cup of boiling water, 1 cup of cold water and two boxes of different jelly flavors.

 Preparation steps for approx. 8 jellies:

 🍒 Add boiling water to gelatin mix, stir 2 minutes until completely dissolved. Stir in cold water. Fill the half of some glass/plastic molds with this first flavor. Then refrigerate 3 hours or until firm. Then prepare the other flavor of the jelly as you previously did it.

🍒 Let it cool until it has room temperature. Get the jellies from the refrigerator and pour over the second flavor when it is cool (it is important that is not hot, because if not the colors will mix). Let it in the refrigerator for 4 hours or until firm. If desired add some blueberries, strawberry slices on the top.

Enjoy😎 !


Poletje🌞  je popolno za dvobarvne želeje z okusom češnje🍒  in jagodičevja. Priprava je zelo enostavna, potrebuješ le 1 skodelico vrele vode, 1 skodelico hladne vode in dve škatli želeja z različnimi okusi.

Koraki za pripravo približno 8 želejev:

🍒 Dodaj vrelo vodo v mešanico želatine, mešaj 2 minuti, dokler se popolnoma ne raztopi. Dodaj hladno vodo. Napolni polovico steklenih/plastičnih modelčkov s tem prvim okusom. Nato postavi v hladilnik za 3 ure ali dokler se ne strdi. Nato pripravi drugi okus želeja na enak način kot prej.

🍒 Pusti, da se ohladi na sobno temperaturo. Vzemi želeje iz hladilnika in prelij z drugim okusom, ko se ohladi (pomembno je, da ni vroč, saj se barve v nasprotnem primeru zmešajo). Pusti v hladilniku 4 ure ali dokler se ne strdi. Po želji dodaj nekaj borovnic ali rezin jagod na vrh.

Uživaj😎 !

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Poblano rajas with cream, corn and cheese / Poblano trakovi s smetano, koruzo in sirom



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