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Política de Privacidad

By opening and using the website, various information and data are exchanged between your device and the server, including personal data under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/670 hereinafter the General Regulation) and the applicable Slovenian Personal Data Protection Act. In the following, we present the data exchange and precisely define the use, interest and reasons.

The website is accessible on the HTTPS secure protocol, which provides an encrypted connection and data exchange, and our servers are updated to the latest versions, which increases the level of security.

Personal data and processing

Personal information is information that identifies you as an identified or identifiable individual. The controller collects the following personal data in accordance with the purposes defined below in the privacy policy:

  • Basic customer information collected in the case of placing an order in the online store (name, surname, address, e-mail address and telephone number) and in the case of registration of the customer as a user in the online store (username, e-mail address and password for access).
  • Data on user purchases and issued invoices.
  • Device IP address.
  • Date and time of access.
  • Website URL and referral URL (channel and campaign - method of acquiring a visitor or the source through which the visitor came to the website).
  • Website retention time, number and URLs of pages visited, and total visit time.
  • The type of browser you are using and the operating system used.

The controller does not collect or process your personal data, except when you provide or consent to it or there is a legal basis for this and the controller has a legitimate interest in the processing.

Data processing on the basis of law or contractual relationship

Buy in an online store

In the case of concluding and performing a contract with the operator (in the case of a purchase in an online store), you must provide personal data for the purposes of concluding the contract. The processing of the order in the online store is not possible without the provision of personal data.

When processing the order, we transfer your data to an accounting program that is registered in the EU and demonstrates the appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with the General Regulation for the secure processing of your personal data.

We provide your personal data to a delivery service that is registered in the EU and demonstrates the appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with the General Regulation for the secure processing of your personal data.

Sending promotional messages

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 158 of ZEKom-1, the operator can send you e-mails about sales promotions or news to your e-mail address that you provided with your order. The manager does not pass on your e-mail address to a third party under any circumstances, and you always have the option to unsubscribe from receiving promotional messages by clicking on the link in the message itself. The manager always respects your decision and the deregistration takes place in an automated manner and takes effect immediately.

Retention of personal data

The controller stores your data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which the personal data was collected and processed. If a special law prescribes the storage of data for a certain period, then the controller processes this data in accordance with this law.

If you have placed, completed and picked up the order, then the order data is stored on the server for 2 years from the receipt of the order from your site. If you submit a request for deletion of your data from our databases, we may delete the data earlier, except for data on the account, which according to the law are not allowed to be deleted and must be kept by the operator for 5 years.

Your rights

In accordance with Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 of the General Regulation, you have the right to obtain information about your personal data stored with us, the right to correct and supplement the data, the right to delete data, the right to restrict data processing, the right to refuse and the right to data portability.

You can request a printout of the data we store via e-mail or in writing to the address. You can also send a request to delete or change the data to the mentioned e-mail address.

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