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EN 🇺🇸⬇️
Ste tudi vi beliki ljubitelji 😍 palačink, ampak imate intoleranco na gluten ali pa bi samo radi poskusili nekaj novega 🤔? Pripravite si te enostavne tapiokine palačinke iz Brazilije 🇧🇷!
🍠 Samo posujte ponev s tapiokinimi granulicami, tako da ni luknjic vmes in pecite približno 2 minuti. Namažite s čokolado in nadevajte z narezano banano.
🍠 Palačinko prepognite prej ko se ohladi, saj se bo v nasprotnem primeru zlomila, nato pa pogrejte še 2 minuti. Izvrsten in zelo hranilen zajtrk ali večerja.
🍌👌 Všeč vam bo predvsem dejstvo, da je palačinka hrustljava in ima nekoliko specifičen okus.
EN 🇺🇸
Are you fan of crepes 😋? But you are gluten-intolerant or you just want to try something different 🤔? Prepare these super easy Brazilian 🇧🇷 tapioca crepes made with tapioca flour.
🍠 You just need to put 100 g, of tapioca Da Terrinha over a hot pan and spread it evenly (making sure there are no spaces), wait 2 minutes and put in some chocolate spread and sliced bananas.
🍠 Fold it before it gets dry (because if not it will break), and warm it for one-two minutes more.
🍌👌 Enjoy as a breakfast or a dinner! You will love its crunchy and different flavor, added to the fact that tapioca is very nutritious 🤩!
Ste tudi vi beliki ljubitelji 😍 palačink, ampak imate intoleranco na gluten ali pa bi samo radi poskusili nekaj novega 🤔? Pripravite si te enostavne tapiokine palačinke iz Brazilije 🇧🇷!
🍠 Samo posujte ponev s tapiokinimi granulicami, tako da ni luknjic vmes in pecite približno 2 minuti. Namažite s čokolado in nadevajte z narezano banano.
🍠 Palačinko prepognite prej ko se ohladi, saj se bo v nasprotnem primeru zlomila, nato pa pogrejte še 2 minuti. Izvrsten in zelo hranilen zajtrk ali večerja.
🍌👌 Všeč vam bo predvsem dejstvo, da je palačinka hrustljava in ima nekoliko specifičen okus.
EN 🇺🇸
Are you fan of crepes 😋? But you are gluten-intolerant or you just want to try something different 🤔? Prepare these super easy Brazilian 🇧🇷 tapioca crepes made with tapioca flour.
🍠 You just need to put 100 g, of tapioca Da Terrinha over a hot pan and spread it evenly (making sure there are no spaces), wait 2 minutes and put in some chocolate spread and sliced bananas.
🍠 Fold it before it gets dry (because if not it will break), and warm it for one-two minutes more.
🍌👌 Enjoy as a breakfast or a dinner! You will love its crunchy and different flavor, added to the fact that tapioca is very nutritious 🤩!
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