Five Hilarious Differences Between Slovenian and Mexican Culture.

These 5 hilarious differences between Slovenian and Mexican culture will give you something to think about for today.
The boyfriend or girlfriend
I remember when I had my first boyfriend back in 2000 when I was almost 14. When I told my mom about it, she said that this boy would have to come to our home, sit down, and have a chat with her. Now, my mom was highly conservative at that time. On average, this is how Mexican culture generally comes to your child's first partner. I dream of having my boyfriend sleeping over at my parent's house before I would get married in no distant dimension. Perhaps, the situation is not as drastic now. Yet, I'm not sure parents in Mexico are happy to have their kids sharing the same bed with their partner before they are older than 25+. No kidding!
In Slovenia, this is seen as something completely natural. And it's totally O.K. that kids invite their boyfriend or girlfriend to stay over the night.
Going for a walk
I really love Slovenia's landscape. Everywhere in this country is a fairy tale path story. A place where you can walk around and feel like a princess (or prince if you prefer). When families, friends, or groups of people say in Slovenia: Gremo na sprehod (let's go for a walk), it means that. People grab their backpacks, some water inside, perhaps a bag of nuts, fruits, a healthy snack. Usually, people go on hills, a lake or by the beach if the weather allows it. It's an excellent opportunity to exercise too.
Going for a walk in Mexico means going to eat some street food. Why? Where does food come in the sentence? Alright, let me explain. Mexico's streets are like a parade of wonderful and different smells. You could see a Esquites stand (corn cup with cheese, cream, lemon, and powder chili), a frituras stand (wheat flour pellets & fruit cocktail in a cup), tacos, raspados (shaved ice with syrup), antojitos (typical Mexican food), etc.
I mean, the list of the kind of street food you can find in Mexico is long. The point is that you don't necessarily need to walk that far to get to eat.
Quinceañeras is a celebration that marks a young woman’s transition from childhood to adulthood. It becomes a whole party with live music, dancing, and food. This tradition is a heritage of the French debutante culture.
Basically, when girls turn 15, the family prepares a party with family and friends. There are different types of parties, some are huge, and some are small. No matter the size, a waltz is danced by the quinceañera with her father or guardian.
For Slovenians, this is a birthday like any other, which is fine.
Home remedies
Mexicans know the best home remedy for colds and sore throats: Vick Vaporub, a menthol ointment. People rub this on their chest and feet soles.
In Slovenia, people drink šnops with honey or medica -honey with šnops and sage. I won't complain about this one remedy; it's one of my favorites.
Dia de muertos
Every year on November 1st, the world remembers those who have passed away and are not among us anymore. People go to the cemetery, bring flowers, light a candle and go back home to have lunch together with the rest of their family.
In Mexico, people celebrate this day with a party. Some Mexicans even bring the food and drinks to the cemetery and gather with other family members there. There is music, flowers, and many bright colors. This celebration is very significant in Mexico. We Mexicans like to remember our deceased people happily. We commemorate their lives with a decorated altar with food, drinks, and flowers. I believe anyway to remind yourself about the people you love, but it's not here anymore is beautiful. As long as you think about them, they'll be happy wherever they might be.